What Can We Do From Home During Pandemic?

Nama : Raras Ariana

NPM : 15119320

Kelas : 2KA16


What Can We Do From Home During Pandemic?

Back again with me!

One of topics that i want to share is how to stay productive during pandemic. Yes, we all know that pandemic make us can’t go outside for going school or doing outside activities like before, but it doesn’t mean that we can’t be productive during pandemic. A lot activities that we can do from our home!

Let me tell you!

-Learn new language

Yes, if we have a free time & still confused what we can do, learn new language is can be the option you choose! Like from me, i started learn korean language. My purpose is i hope i can watch korean drama without subtitle soon and one day, if i go there, i know how to communicate :). The most important with learn new language is you can learn online! For example, you can watch videos from youtube, follow people on instagram, watch movie, or listening to music.

-Internship / Volunteer

The second one is you can also being part of a company or organization. Through join internship program or volunteer, you can meet new people, increase knowledge, and adding experience. Those so important to prepare for your future. Now, a lot of company or organization open a registration for internship or volunteer. You should gain a lot of information from internet, i suggest you to search from instagram.

-Try new hobby

Next one is try new hobby. Yes, if you never try new hobby, you should do that. For example, i try  to paint with my sisters. It is so fun and also can spend time together with your loved one.  I also try to cook a food that i never cooked.

Those option that i can share. Hope helps!:)
